Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Editing Practise.




I decided to take a posed picture for this one. I found a picture of a band and decided to use a cutting tool to remove the model and place her in this image. I then adjusted the brightness to make it seem a bit more in tone and took away the shadowing behind her.


The editing is good as it does look like the girl is in the final picture, however the picture looks a little bit squashed and the colours don’t match up perfectly. It would have been better if she was looking in the same direction as the band, to make it more believe able. As she’s looking at the camera it makes her stand out more and it’s easier to see the faults and that she has been edited in.




For this I decided to use 3 images to create one. These were all natural shots. For this I had to cut the image of the person out, then make the background black and white and re incorporate the person in. I then put the 3 photographs into one to make it look more professional and I thought by laying them out in the gradual slant style it gives the idea of growing up and hobbies in a way? It also shows a bond in the second one which can suggest either a close relationship or it even being the same person at different ages.


I like the colour change, as it makes the subjects more apparent, and I like how the date as been taken out to make it look more professional and they way it has been grouped together.

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