Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Main Task - Action Plan

What I plan to call the magazine: Acoustic Unplugged
I have chosen this name because my magazine is an acoustic magazine and I do not like the single word on it’s own therefore I will include another word. I thought Unplugged would be an appropriate word.

Ideas for the front cover image (remember that this is what makes or breaks the magazine sales) :  Model in woods? Or in a place but several poses taken then merged into one (guitar on close up looking into camera then several positions cropped in to it below). Could be used for double page spread. Could do a close up?

What do I need to do to achieve this?
  1.  Use a friend as a model.                                         
  2.  Practise on photoshop
  3. Use a public location (woods or beach)                    
  4. Consider what clothes
  5.  Find a camera with good quality.                             
  6. Think up poses
Ideas for the main cover line and other sell lines( and tag line):
EXCLUSIVE Brooke Jones tells us about what her lyrics really mean! (include pull quote)
Tagline: Passion strikes back.

Ideas for the contents page:
Have it quite sophisticated and clear. Have one side listing and the other with boxes – half picture half quote. Very similar to preliminary task mock up.

What do I need to do to achieve this?
  1. Decide who will be featured in the boxes     
  2. Decide what will be included in magazines
  3.  Think of a number of pages to have 
  4.  Make a mock up and consider several different designs
  5.  Look into typeface’s to use                                                               

Ideas for the double page spread – type of feature.
Have an interview with one image enlarged on one side and a pullquote and on the other side have simply text (question and answer). Quite informal.

What do I need to do to achieve this?
  1.  Think of questions - list them.
  2. Consider the style of image
  3.  Think of the layout style (slightly discussed above)
  4. Consider colours - decide when I've had feedback.

Monday, 22 November 2010

Main Task - Typeface idea's.

I have divided the fonts into two titles. This is because my main feature will be on Brooke Jones and the one's labeled this are most suited to be assigned to her interview whilst I feel the one's called Acoustic Unplugged should be the Mast head because they are bolder, clearer and easier to read and they suit the magazine more.

Main Task - Reader Profile Moodboard.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Main Task - Analysis of contents page. (Previous Students)


The layout of this contents page is very organised and sophisticated. The colour scheme helps this quite a bit because it’s quite simple and calm and the use of grey and white helps this. The guitar being a blue/black compliments this very well. The difference of size on the word win draws you in because it is not only eye catching but it draws people in because they know they are getting a decent free gift for nothing. The music artist profiles are quite rock based with artists such as Kasabian featuring. The whole contents page is written quite informally and uses a lot of colloquial language, this helps with the idea of it being quite relaxing and laid back. The editorial section is quite effective because it gives you an insight into the people the write the magazine and it’s also placed it a good way and manages to break the page up. There isn’t a clear target audience age range but you can tell that the reader profile is aimed more towards late teenagers because younger teens are less likely to be able to afford guitars and to go to gigs. Also the sophisticated layout shows the age it is aimed at clearer.


The layout of this contents page is quite cluttered and messy and the feature on Tastes Like Bacon in the centre should be on the double page spread or front cover instead of breaking up the contents page, it is also not very relevant. This seems to be consistent through the page because they also have Alesha Dixon’s image on the page, though the article is meant to be about her band and the quote is also from her. This gives the idea that the magazine is quite unorganised. The range of pictures and poses are quite effective because it does show a range and shows that the magazine is quite varied. The colour scheme gives clear connotations of a rock theme and it all goes together well. Whilst the logo gives the idea of the magazine being ‘different’ and individual it looks quite messy and cluttered. There isn’t a very clear target audience age range with this magazine though it does talk about Open Mic Nights and you don’t really expect any young teenagers to be there.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Main Task - Music Magazine Questionnaire

Music Magazine Questionnaire.

(Delete the answer you do not wish to choose for example if your answer to question 1 is yes, delete No.)
1)      Would you be interested in purchasing a specific Indie/Acoustic music magazine?


2)      What name would draw you to the magazine?

3)      What colour scheme would you like to see used through out?

Blue and Green
Red and Orange
Black, Red, White
Black and White
Any bright colours

Other  Suggestions:

4)      How much would you be willing to pay?
Under £1.50
Above £2.50

5)      How often would you want the magazine to be published?


Once a week
Once every 2 weeks
Once a month
Every 2 months

6)      What type of articles would you rather read?

Formal articles to do with non music related topics as well as music:
Purely music and film with a informal, light hearted ‘jokey’ edge:

7)      In which setting would you rather see the model?

Close up
Random setting


8)      Would you be interested in competitions and offers being featured?

9)      What type of articles grab your attention?

10)   What would you expect to see in the magazine?
(tick as many as applicable)

Gig/Tour dates.
Articles written by journalists on their views.
Articles written by readers on their views.


11) Which artist's would you like to see feature's on?

12)   Would you like the magazine to be glossy or non glossy?

Non glossy:

13) How many pages would you like the magazine to have?

Up to 40
Up to 60
Up to 80
Up to 100

14)   Could you give 2/3 key words you’d expect to see featured on a music magazine:

Main Task - Idea's.

  • Model with guitar. Beach setting, Party setting?, Busking. OR similar to Jenny Lewis UTR cover, close up image?
  • Quite relaxed colour scheme: Red's, Black and White, Blue's ? Quite feminine.
  • Round edge bubble style typeface or swirled depeding on image.
  • Range of articles, mostly on music but maybe add some light hearted jokey one's.
  • Not too much text on the cover, quite simple and organised so main focus is image.
  • Wearing clothes related to my reader profile.
Things to find out in my questionnaire:
  • Name suggestions.
  • Definite colour scheme.
  • Pricing.
  • Style of writing/Article's. - Light hearted or serious
  • How often they will be published... (Also use magazine case studies to determine)
  • Model setting.

Current interesting Music Magazine names:
  • Big Cheese
  • Kerrang!
  • Mojo
  • NME (New Musical Express)
  • OffBeat
  • Q
  • Under The Radar
  • Wired
Some of these are quite interesting like New Musical Express being shortened to NME is a good idea, OffBeat and Under The Radar are also quite interesting. Big Cheese and Mojo are also quite successful magazine's and this helps by showing that you can be inventive and have a slightly more odd name.

Type of artists:

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Main task - Reader profile idea's.

Gender: Mixed, mostly woman.
Age: 16 - 25.
Music Genre: Indie/Acoustic.
Type's of artist's: Kate Nash, Arctic Monkeys, Paolo Nutini, Mumford & Sons, Kings of Leon, The Kings Blues, Ellie Goulding. Quite mainstream but specific genre.
Clothes: Topshop, Camden, Boohoo.com, Zara, Charity shops. Knitwear.
Values and beliefs: Relationships/people, No specific religious views, Karma, Treating people the same etc.
Likes: Gigs, Parties, The beach, Hanging out with friends at the cinema or watching films, Shopping, Magazine's, Books, Art/Photography, Some form of sport, Cooking.
Dislikes: Heavy music (Screamo, Heavy metal etc.), Cold weather, Being on your own, Being unorganised, Not having money, Lying, People that are judgemental or pretend to be something else.
Personality: Funny, Happy, Confident, Loud, Complex minded/thoughts, Not demanding (easy going and light hearted), Determined, Competitive, Range of interests, Organised, No specific humour, Faithful.

Main task - Looking into magazine development and front cover's.


§  Published weekly since 1981.
§  Focus: Heavy Metal/ Rock
§  Owned by Emap
§  Reader profile: 15/24. 60% Male – 40% Female.
§  80 A4 pages.
§  £1.99
§  Standard layout.
§  Includes free posters.
§  All pages are black and red text.
§  Use’s teenage colloquialism.
§  Editorial content dictates taste of target audience
§  Diary – upcoming gigs.
§  Other retailers promotion.
§  Metal/Goth- Clothing/Jewellery manufacturing.
§  Initially started as a one-time supplement in the Sounds newspaper, which focuses on the genre New Wave of British Heavy Metal and the rise of other hard rock acts
§  Quite mainstream artists included.



Analysis of cover:
Having the title in front of the image, in a large contrasting font makes it clear. They have a relatively consistent colour scheme of yellow, white and blue though it perhaps changes too much throughout the front cover. The image has direct eye contact which makes it more effective. The body copy ‘lostprophets’ may be quite bold and clear but the pull quote about this is not and makes it seem relatively pointless in comparison. Even though there isn’t much text it somehow looks too cluttered in my opinion and like there is not a very organised layout, this could suggest that the magazine is quite laid back and informal.


By the early 1970s NME had lost ground to the Melody Maker as its coverage of music had failed to keep pace with the development of rock music. Alan Smith was made editor and was given a short period of time by IPC to turn things around quickly or face closure.
The paper's first issue was published on 7 March 1952 after the Musical Express and Accordion Weekly was bought by London music promoter and relaunched as the New Musical Express.

New Musical Express:

§  published weekly since 1952
§  Non permanent ink.
§  Cassettes of Indie music 1985 onwards.
§  Melody maker/Sounds-similar template.
§  Merger between melody maker and NME in 2000.

§  Reader profile- 65% male.
§  Average age: 23.
§  NME reader regularly downloads music.
§  NME sponsored tours.
§  £1.95
§  Free CD’s.
§  Slang terminology. Emo etc.
§  Independent bands. (Niche)
§  Masthead promotes virgin digital.
§  Relationships between retailers and content mutually beneficial.
§  Ads reflect demographic and lifestyle profile.

 New Music Express:

NME then:

NME now:

Analysis of cover:
The title is bold and clear which makes it stand out and catch your eye, the consistent bright red colour scheme also helps this. Even though NME is a music based magazine, here they have incorporated comedy in to their magazine giving it a more varied feel, though they appear to have still tried to keep the music theme by giving one of the models a guitar. This image shows that NME is quite a laid back magazine and isn't too intense, it also makes you feel that the content will be light hearted and comical therefore drawing you in. The image is quite bright and also draws you in. by having a pull quote using a different typeface, this makes it seem more related to the quote. They also have the main body copy larger than the title which is also good because it makes your attention more pulled towards it.