The layout of this contents page is very organised and sophisticated. The colour scheme helps this quite a bit because it’s quite simple and calm and the use of grey and white helps this. The guitar being a blue/black compliments this very well. The difference of size on the word win draws you in because it is not only eye catching but it draws people in because they know they are getting a decent free gift for nothing. The music artist profiles are quite rock based with artists such as Kasabian featuring. The whole contents page is written quite informally and uses a lot of colloquial language, this helps with the idea of it being quite relaxing and laid back. The editorial section is quite effective because it gives you an insight into the people the write the magazine and it’s also placed it a good way and manages to break the page up. There isn’t a clear target audience age range but you can tell that the reader profile is aimed more towards late teenagers because younger teens are less likely to be able to afford guitars and to go to gigs. Also the sophisticated layout shows the age it is aimed at clearer.
The layout of this contents page is quite cluttered and messy and the feature on Tastes Like Bacon in the centre should be on the double page spread or front cover instead of breaking up the contents page, it is also not very relevant. This seems to be consistent through the page because they also have Alesha Dixon’s image on the page, though the article is meant to be about her band and the quote is also from her. This gives the idea that the magazine is quite unorganised. The range of pictures and poses are quite effective because it does show a range and shows that the magazine is quite varied. The colour scheme gives clear connotations of a rock theme and it all goes together well. Whilst the logo gives the idea of the magazine being ‘different’ and individual it looks quite messy and cluttered. There isn’t a very clear target audience age range with this magazine though it does talk about Open Mic Nights and you don’t really expect any young teenagers to be there.
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